POSTCreate Subscription API
Use Case
To create a subscription with required subscription details like upfront transaction amount, frequency, subscription amount type etc.
Request Attributes
Attribute | Description |
requestTimeStamp string optional | EPOCH timestamp of the time at which request is being sent. Example: 1588402269 |
signature string mandatory | AI router validates the request and ensures that parameters are not tempered by verifying the signature in the request. For creating the checksum (signature) refer to the steps given in Checksum Logic.
channelId string optional | The parameter value identifies the Channel for which the API call is initiated. Possible values: WEB , WAP |
Attribute | Description | ||||||||||||
mid string mandatory | This is a unique identifier provided to every merchant by AI router. Example: 216820000002516036253 | ||||||||||||
orderId string mandatory | It is a unique reference ID for a transaction passed in the transaction request. Order ID should be passed to raise the refund Example: OREDRID_98765 | ||||||||||||
requestType string mandatory | This parameter is used to identify the transaction flow. | ||||||||||||
websiteName string mandatory | This is provided by AI router and it defines the static response URL.
Example: WEBSTAGING, DEFAULT | ||||||||||||
txnAmount object mandatory | The first payment amount to be charged to the customer at the time of subscription creation. Example: {"value" : "1.00", "currency" : "INR"} | ||||||||||||
TxnAmount +
| |||||||||||||
userInfo Object mandatory | User information contains user details like customer ID, email, phone number etc. | ||||||||||||
UserInfo +
| |||||||||||||
paytmSsoToken string optional | This is a unique token linked with the user's Paytm wallet and is provided in the response while linking the user's Paytm wallet. | ||||||||||||
callbackUrl string optional | AI router sends the response of the transaction on the URL which comes in the callbackUrl parameter.
Example: https://<callback URL to be used by merchant> | ||||||||||||
extendInfo Object optional | Merchant can pass any order specific information that is required to be passed here | ||||||||||||
ExtendInfo +
| |||||||||||||
subscriptionAmountType string mandatory | The amount to be charged in each frequency cycle can be fixed or capped to max amount. Possible values are : FIX: Amount charged in each frequency cycle will be the same as renewalAmount | ||||||||||||
subscriptionMaxAmount string conditional | Maximum amount that can be charged to the customer in each frequency cycle.
| ||||||||||||
renewalAmount string conditional | Amount to be charged to the customer in each frequency cycle.
| ||||||||||||
autoRenewal Boolean optional | Preference to enable auto renewal for this subscription. Possible values: true , false | ||||||||||||
autoRetry Boolean optional | Preference to enable auto retry for failed collect transactions. Possible values: true , false | ||||||||||||
subscriptionFrequencyUnit string mandatory | This, combined with the interval, defines the frequency. The values supported for this attribute currently are: daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. If the billing cycle is of 2 months, the value for this attribute would be monthly.
subscriptionFrequency string optional | Combined with subscriptionFrequencyUnit, defines the frequency of subsequent payment collection. | ||||||||||||
subscriptionStartDate string mandatory | This is the date when the first payment collection can be charged to the customer. Subsequent payment collections can be charged by the customer after a definite period defined with subscriptionFrequency and subscriptionFrequencyUnit.
| ||||||||||||
subscriptionGraceDays string conditional | Number of days after payment collection due date for which merchant can send renewal request.
| ||||||||||||
subscriptionExpiryDate string mandatory | Date when subscription will expire. Payment collection requests will not be allowed after the expiry date. Format should be YYYY-MM-DD. | ||||||||||||
subscriptionPaymentMode string optional | The payment mode which the user has selected to complete creation and subsequent payment collection of subscription. Possible Values: CC, DC, BANK_MANDATE and UPI | ||||||||||||
subscriptionEnableRetry string mandatory | Merchant can retry a transaction in case of failure from bank/wallet Possible Values: 1 - For Enable Retry, 0 - Else | ||||||||||||
subscriptionRetryCount string optional | Count of payment collection retries allowed in case of failure of collection request .
Not supported for eNACH | ||||||||||||
appInvokeDevice string conditional | For App Invoke Device (Payment via Paytm app). Possible values: 3P , DEEPLINKQR | ||||||||||||
mandateAccountDetails object optional | Mandate Account Details, If the Mandate account details are already shared with the merchant the same can be passed here. | ||||||||||||
MandateAccountDetails +
Response Attributes
Attribute | Description |
responseTimeStamp string | EPOCH timestamp of the time at which response is being sent. Example: 1588402269 |
signature string | AI router validates the request and ensures that parameters are not tempered by verifying the signature in the request. For creating the checksum (signature) refer to the steps given in Checksum Logic.
Attribute | Description | ||||||||
resultInfo Object | This parameter gives the information about the result in the API response | ||||||||
resultInfo +
| |||||||||
txnToken string | AI router security token for a transaction valid for either one transaction or for 15 minutes. All subsequent API calls in creation will require this token. | ||||||||
subscriptionId string | Unique Subscription ID generated by AI router for identifying a subscription transaction |
Response Codes & Messages
resultCode | resultStatus | resultMsg |
0 | S | Success |
1007 | F | Missing mandatory element |
2013 | F | Mid in the query param doesn't match with the Mid send in the request |
2014 | F | OrderId in the query param doesn't match with the OrderId send in the request |
2007 | F | Txn amount is invalid |
4001 | F | Invalid Max Amount |
4001 | F | Invalid Subscription Frequency |
4001 | F | Subscription Amount Limit For UPI Breached |
4001 | F | Invalid Request Type |
4001 | F | Subscription not available |
4001 | F | Invalid Subscription Amount Type |
4001 | F | Invalid Customer Id |
501 | F | System Error |
2006 | F | Mid is invalid |
2022 | F | Paymode selected is not enabled for your merchant account. Please reach out to support teams to enable |
1102 | TXN_FAILURE | Subscription already in progress |
1102 | TXN_FAILURE | Invalid subscription max amount value |
1102 | TXN_FAILURE | Invalid subscription expiry date |
1102 | TXN_FAILURE | Invalid subscription start date |
1102 | TXN_FAILURE | Invalid grace days for subscription |
1102 | TXN_FAILURE | Unsupported subscription payment mode |
1102 | TXN_FAILURE | Invalid renewal amount |
1102 | TXN_FAILURE | Invalid subscriptionEnableRetry value |
1102 | TXN_FAILURE | Invalid subscription retry count value |
1102 | TXN_FAILURE | Subscription has been disabled for your merchant account. Please reach out to support teams to enable the same |
1102 | TXN_FAILURE | Maximum Subscription Amount limit breached |
1102 | TXN_FAILURE | OnDemand Subscriptions are not allowed on merchant |
1102 | TXN_FAILURE | Subscription Count limit breached |
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"head": {"requestTimestamp": "Time","channelId": "WEB","signature": "Hr4lmS2AvY9RwwaB+ao0nSKvj4oBB6mVsELooMY6iEooJjYqVXKirMOoOYdaFomh9hsQCoFGF1KXDKuGlqRSFiS5+MYUqZajgzMuQmSq/5o="},"body": {"mid": "YOUR_MID_HERE","requestType": "SUBSCRIPTION","orderId": "arun335","websiteName": "retail","txnAmount": {"value": "1","currency": "INR"},"subscriptionPaymentMode": "BANK_MANDATE","subscriptionAmountType": "VARIABLE","subscriptionMaxAmount": "1000","subscriptionFrequency": "15","subscriptionFrequencyUnit": "MONTH","subscriptionExpiryDate": "2024-07-15","subscriptionGraceDays": "1","subscriptionStartDate": "2023-05-16","subscriptionRetryCount": "1","userInfo": {"custId": "CUD316","mobile": "","email": "","firstName": "","lastName": ""},"callbackUrl": "","extendInfo": {"udf1": "","udf2": "","udf3": "","mercUnqRef": "","comments": ""}}}'