- User selects Netbanking as a payment option and a list of banks is fetched using Fetch NB Channels API. These are the list of banks that are currently supported to accept Netbanking payments through AI Router.
- Once the user selects a particular bank and proceeds with the payment, the Payment API of AI Router is called which returns a bank form to redirect the user to the bank's Netbanking login page.
- User will enter their Netbanking credentials to login to their Netbanking account.
Note: From the login page onwards, the control of payment flow lies with the bank with which the user is making the payment.
- After payment completion, the user is redirected back to the checkout page. Merchants will call the Transaction Status API to verify the final payment status with the AI Router.
- AI Router returns the transaction status back to the merchant's server and the final status is displayed to the user.