
Callback and Webhook URL FAQs

Please refer to the frequently asked questions related to Callback and Webhook URL and its integration.


  1. What is callback URL?-

    After successful/failed transaction, payment gateway posts the transaction response on call back URL.

  2. I am not getting any response on configured webhook, what should I do?+
  3. Will I get the response on callback URL in real time?+
  4. How do I configure the webhook url against my MID.+
  5. I am receiving multiple notifications for the same transaction. Why is it so?+
  6. Is it possible to have the same callback URL for WEB and WAP (App)?+
  7. Can we configure different callback URL for successful and failed transaction?+
  8. Are callback and webhook URLs same?+
  9. Callback data will be received in which format?+
  10. Webhook data will be received in which format?+
  11. Do I need to verify the checksum while receiving the callback?+
  12. Do I need to verify the checksum while receiving the Webhook?+
Note: In case of queries on any other solution, please refer to the FAQs page.