Method: Post
Checksum required: Yes
Use Case
This API can be used by merchants to redirect customers to authorise the subscription. Please note the API would redirect users to Bank page for authorisation in case of Wallet, Cards & E-Mandate. In case of Paper Mandates the user would be redirected back to the merchant’s page for mandate form download.
Production URL:
Testing URL:
Request Attributes
ATTRIBUTE | Description |
txnToken String mandatory |
txnToken paytm security token for a transaction valid for the 15 minutes. |
authMode String optional |
Authentication mode for Cards. Inputs could be: OTP. |
paymentMode String mandatory |
User selected payment mode one of the below value (DEBIT_CARD,CREDIT_CARD BANK_MANDATE, UPI, UPI_INTENT). |
cardInfo String Conditional |
saveCardId | cardNo | cvv | expDate. Mandatory for CREDIT/DEBIT CARD |
channelCode String Conditional |
Paytm BankCode corresponding to the bank which has been selected for payment by user. Mandatory for BANK_MANDATE |
account_number String Conditional |
Payer account details used for transaction Mandatory for BANK_MANDATE |
bankIfsc String Conditional |
Payer/ User Bank IFSC Code. Mandatory for BANK_MANDATE |
USER_NAME String Conditional |
Payer/User account holder name. Mandatory for BANK_MANDATE |
ACCOUNT_TYPE String Conditional |
Type of Account Mandatory for BANK_MANDATE |
SUBSCRIPTION_ID String Conditional |
subscription id created in subscription/create API. Mandatory for BANK_MANDATE |
mandateAuthMode String Conditional |
Auth mode supported by e mandate banks. Mandatory for emandate and if authorization needs to be skipped on npci page |
payerAccount String Conditional |
UPI Address of customer Mandatory for UPI |